Women’s Empowerment Receives $20K From Arata Brothers Trust

Women’s Empowerment recently received a $20,000 grant from Arata Brothers Trust to educate and empower women experiencing homelessness with the skills and confidence necessary to secure a job, create a healthy lifestyle, and regain a home for themselves and their children during the pandemic and housing crisis.

“Our partnership with Arata Brothers Trust over the last several years has helped hundreds of women and children break the cycle of homelessness amidst wildly changing circumstances here in Sacramento,” said Lisa Culp, executive director, Women’s Empowerment. “We are grateful for the steadfast funding we receive from Arata Brothers Trust as we face another tumultuous year ahead.”

The grant from Arata Brothers Trust will help Women’s Empowerment offer its nine-week program that targets the barriers women face while experiencing homelessness, as well as paid job training for women who have graduated from the program. Women’s Empowerment’s paid job training programs include its Get A Job Kit training program for graduates hardest to hire, as well as its paid training in property management, a career that usually includes housing on the managed property. Women’s Empowerment also offers paid training to become a security guard or bank teller, as well as training in green energy.

“For the trustees of the Arata Brothers Trust, 2020 and 2021 revealed the most nimble and effective nonprofits in the Sacramento region,” said Matson Sewell, co-trustee, Arata Brothers Trust. “Women’s Empowerment led the way in this landscape, continuing to deliver highly impactful programs to such an under-resourced population, adapting to public health requirements for both mothers and children, and moving forward despite the new challenges. These challenges are not behind us yet, and Women’s Empowerment has earned the support of anyone looking to make a huge difference in the lives of homeless women and children.”

Celebrating its 20th anniversary this year, Women’s Empowerment provides a full nine-week employment-readiness and empowerment program, paid job training, childcare and support services so all women and their children can break the cycle of homelessness. Women’s Empowerment offers the most comprehensive job-readiness program in the Sacramento area designed specifically for women experiencing homelessness, and their children. Eighty-two percent of graduates secure a job or enroll in school. Despite the housing crisis, 75 percent regain a safe home for themselves and their children. The award-winning organization has graduated 1,719 women and their 3,842 children. Women’s Empowerment is funded through private donations from the community and grants. To make a donation, visit Womens-Empowerment.org.

The mission of Arata Brothers Trust is to enhance the quality of life in the Sacramento area by supporting systemic change through innovative and effective educational programs. For more information, visit ArataBrothersTrust.org.

Women’s Empowerment Receives $25K From Kaiser, Arata Brothers Trust

Arata Brothers Trust and Kaiser Permanente recently gave grants to Sacramento nonprofit Women’s Empowerment’s comprehensive job-readiness programs for women experiencing homelessness. Arata Brothers Trust donated $15,000 to Women’s Empowerment’s nine-week program that helps women who are homeless overcome barriers so they can find homes and jobs. Kaiser Permanente donated $10,000 to Women’s Empowerment’s domestic violence and substance abuse support groups that help women who are homeless overcome the effects of domestic violence and substance abuse so they can find safe homes, steady work and a healthy lifestyle.

“We know that employment is the best way to end homelessness,” said Lisa Culp, executive director, Women’s Empowerment. “But it takes more than just a resume to secure a job. The majority of women we serve are survivors of domestic violence and are also seeking help as they maintain a clean-and-sober lifestyle. With funding from Arata Brothers Trust and Kaiser Permanente, we are able to help homeless women regain the skills they need to get and keep a job so they can create a safe future for their families. Thank you to Arata Brothers Trust and Kaiser Permanente for their lasting impact on the lives of homeless women and children in this community.”

In Women’s Empowerment’s initial nine-week program, women who are homeless receive free onsite child care in the group’s child development center and transportation assistance. Each woman works with a master’s level social worker to address her root causes of homelessness. She attends classes on job readiness, financial literacy, confidence building, health and empowerment, as well as support groups for domestic violence and substance abuse. Women then focus on job placement with their employment specialist and volunteer career mentor.

Women who have graduated from the nine-week program can enroll in the group’s graduate services at any point in their lives when they need assistance. Services include paid job training, vocational certifications, counseling with a social worker and employment specialist, access to a professional clothing closet, and job retention services for employer and employee. 

Women’s Empowerment was featured on NBC’s The TODAY Show in 2015 for offering the most comprehensive job-readiness program in the Sacramento area designed specifically for women who are homeless and their children. The award-winning organization has graduated 1,437 homeless women and their 3,500 children since 2001. Last year, 92 percent of graduates found homes, and 81 percent found jobs or enrolled in school or training. The program combines self-esteem courses, job training, health classes and support services to help homeless women across diverse ages, races and cultures. Women’s Empowerment is funded through private donations from the community and receives no government funding except for in-kind rent from the County of Sacramento. To make a donation: www.womens-empowerment.org.