Holiday Gifts Needed for Women and Children Who Have Experienced Homelessness

Local residents can bring joy this holiday season to women and children who have experienced homelessness in Sacramento by contributing to Women’s Empowerment’s Holiday Gift Drive. The group is seeking 320 unstuffed gift bags and specific fillers for children, teens and women by Dec. 12. For the wishlist of items needed or to make a donation, visit

Each holiday gift package will include gloves, hats, socks, art supplies, water bottles, journals, holiday candy, gift cards and more. For those who prefer to make a financial donation, the average cost of a gift package is $40, but any amount is helpful. Gift cards are especially needed, including $20 cards for Target, Walmart or Amazon, and $10-$15 cards for fast food restaurants, Jamba Juice and Starbucks.

“The women and children in our program have worked so hard to get to where they are today, and this is a special way for our community to provide joy and encouragement during the holidays and the cold winter months ahead,” said Lisa Culp, executive director, Women’s Empowerment.

Women’s Empowerment provides a two-month employment-readiness and empowerment program, paid job training, childcare and support services so women and their children can break the generational cycle of homelessness. Women’s Empowerment offers the most comprehensive job-readiness program in the Sacramento area designed specifically for women experiencing homelessness and their children. On average, 70% of women in the program find housing despite the ongoing housing crisis. Last year, 142 job placements were achieved by Women’s Empowerment graduates. Since its founding in 2001, the award-winning organization has graduated 1,781 women and their 3,893 children. Women’s Empowerment is funded through private donations from the community and grants. To make a donation: